Conscious Relationships


Conscious Relationships is a once-in-a-lifetime, powerful, and dynamic three-day course on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. It is deeply revealing and healing; previous participants claimed it to be the most powerful workshop they had ever experienced. It facilitates real change on every level.

  • You will be taken on an inner journey, allowing you to see clearly how your conditioning, with its beliefs and judgments, shapes your everyday life.
  • You will have the opportunity to understand how you shape your relationships.
  • You will gain incredible insights and a deep understanding of why you attract people and situations into your life.
  • You will be given the tools and support you need to face issues from the past that keep you trapped in a repeat pattern and heal them.
  • You will go home with tools you can apply to experience more love, harmony, and balance in your relationship with yourself and others.
  • You will walk away from this course with a deep knowledge of yourself and all that has shaped you to be who you are.

The price is fully inclusive of the following:

  • The Retreat Beach Houses Accommodation for three nights (Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights)
  • Conscious Relationships Course Fee
  • Morning and afternoon tea each day of the course
  • Unlimited use of resort facilities
  • Chi Gong on the beach on Saturday morning

“In 3 days, this workshop allows you to understand yourself at a depth people spend years and years uncovering. It is a unique and rare gift to yourself and those whose lives you touch.” NS QLD

“I am so thrilled that I took this opportunity and did this course. Words can’t express the profound effect it has had on me and my family. I have healed relationship issues that I have been struggling with for years. I have also had problems with my health that are no longer ailing me. This has changed my life. Thank you, Katie, you have a gift of getting to the core of what is really going on and uprooting it! I have come away with so many tools and feel empowered in my relationship with myself and everyone in my life. If you have not yet done Conscious Relationships, I urge you to do so. The whole world needs to do this course!” TG (NSW)

“This is by far the most profound course I have ever done. I can honestly say it was life-changing and I don’t say that lightly. It has already had such an impact on my relationship with others and how I handle situations. If you are looking for direction in any situation, I cannot recommend this enough.” LC Qld

“If you’re thinking about it, just do it! It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!” MB Qld

This Conscious Relationships course is a real-life changer. The support, love, and reflection received on this course was mind-blowing! Katie is a gifted healer. She listens, loves, and supports. She creates a space for absolute openness and honesty, enabling self-discovery and healing in a deeply profound way. Thank you so much Katie” NM Qld

”This completely pulled me apart, in a great way! I have never done anything like it. I discovered so much that I had never realized was hidden underneath and subconsciously affecting my life and the lives of those close to me. I feel so much lighter and have gained incredible tools I can take away with me – excited! Thank you so very much Katie” GB Qld

“Last year I questioned where I was with my life. Things needed to change, and the change had to start with me. I was worn out. This course changed the way I think about most things, and it’s the best thing I did for myself and my family. Do yourself a favour and attend if you can.” WW Qld.

“Having done Conscious Relationships with Katie Webber, I can honestly say it has opened my eyes and changed my life. I became aware of past events that have created beliefs. These beliefs have been holding me back my whole life, preventing me from being free. They not only affected relationships in the past, but I could also see the chaos they are causing in my current relationships. Katie showed me how to see the truth in this while providing an incredible level of support. I feel more grateful to Katie than words could ever express. You truly are an angel, Katie Webber!” DM Qld

“I am so grateful to have done Conscious Relationships. Anyone who really wants to turn their life around, reveal the truth of their past and be free would benefit from this course. For me it has gone a lot deeper than you could imagine. My relationship with myself and everyone around me has changed for the better, immeasurably.” WA Qld