Conscious Creator Part 1 – Who’s That in the Mirror?


Our reactions to people and situations in life are pointing us to understand more deeply what is happening within ourselves. Our external world is a reflection of what is going on within us. If we are struggling inwardly, that is what we create externally, and the state of our health, relationships, and wealth are all a result of this.

  • What is this struggle all about?
  • Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
  • What lies beneath this struggle to survive?
  • Is there another way?

Imagine a life where everything flows with ease. Imagine a life with abundant health, harmony in relationships, joy, and financial freedom. Imagine a life where you understand who you really are and are empowered to bring your unique gifts to the world. This is possible for every single one of us!

‘Who’s That in the Mirror?’ is a series of recorded videos and audio with accompanying workbooks. It is an in-depth journey of self-discovery where you will feel empowered to become conscious of who you have become, experience who you are, and gain the tools to create a life of abundance in all areas without struggle.

This course will allow you to discover the answers to many of the questions you have asked yourself and lead you to find the unshakeable truth of your existence from within. Experiencing this journey will have a profound effect on both you and those around you.


‘I loved every second of this amazing journey into the mirror. Through Katie’s recordings and workbooks, I was shown without a doubt that our external world is indeed a reflection of what is going on inside. Once stripped back to the very beginning of our existence I was given the tools to create a life of amazing abundance. Katie does not give you the answer on a plate but gently guides you until the ‘penny drops’ and you see the bigger picture for yourself. I found this so much more profound. It was a safe space without judgment where I felt I could truly be myself. Katie was always on hand to answer any questions with such love and direction and with her help I have started to discover how to make the ‘unconscious conscious’. I highly recommend this course and thank you so very much Katie for sharing your teaching – it is life-changing!’  ML Qld

‘What a truly amazing course that took me to places inside that I have never been before and gave me incredible insights into myself and tools to apply in everyday life. The entire course was handled so beautifully, gently, lovingly, and respectfully by Katie – she was spot on in assisting and constantly gave her all to help me grow. I cannot recommend this highly enough. I do know who is in the mirror now and feel so much more love and appreciation for myself. I have been a course junkie for most of my adult life, and this takes you to places no other course ever has, with what I believe are life-changing results for me and those around me. The more you put in, the more you will get out. I urge you to discover yourself too! I am incredibly grateful to Katie for sharing her gifts with me.’  TT Qld