Bioenergetics Health Scan

Bioenergetics Health Scan

A Bioenergetic Health Scan enables us to detect and correct the human body field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity and your state of health! By evaluating and restoring the body’s energy and communication systems, we enhance its natural healing capabilities and promote long-lasting well-being.

Bioenergetics is the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. A Bioenergetics Scan returns a detailed overview of your Body Field, including multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics. In a matter of seconds, a scan can pinpoint the distortions in information, giving you clear instructions to support your health, starting at the very root.

When the human body field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body optimally, and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often start with simply feeling tired. However, if the warning signs are ignored further health issues arise.

When we improve the function of the body field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.

Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Health?

  • Do you wake up feeling exhausted?
  • Do you experience persistent symptoms that traditional treatments can’t seem to resolve?
  • Are you tired of relying on medications and supplements that provide temporary relief but don’t address the root cause?
  • Is your overall health seemingly fine, yet you can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right?
  • Do you feel stressed and yearn for physical support?
  • Are you eager to regain vitality and optimal wellness?

If you’re seeking a solution for your ailments, diseases, and general feelings of fatigue, or you’re proactively preparing for potential health issues, this comprehensive scan is for you!


  • We employ cutting-edge scanning technology to generate a holistic wellness report within seconds.
  • The Bioenergetic Health Scan uncovers any underlying imbalances in your body’s energy field.
  • It provides a comprehensive view of your entire system, including the communication between your mind, emotions, energy, and organs.
  • The scan reveals an incredible amount of valuable information despite its speedy completion.
  • Once your energy flow is analyzed, we can recommend precise liquid remedies, called infoceuticals, to support and optimize your system.
  • Infoceuticals are liquids imprinted with proprietary bio-information. They are recommended based on your unique scan results and interact directly with the Human Body Field to support proper information flow.
  • The easy-to-follow protocol includes instructions for each priority infoceutical and the number of drops to use.

In a Nutshell:

  • A Bioenergetic Health Scan allows us to identify and rectify imbalances in the human body field, which acts as a control system for your physical well-being and overall health!

How Does It Work Once I Book a Scan?

  • Upon booking your health scan, you can scan your body field from the comfort of your home using either voice scan technology or a mobile scanner.
  • The results of your scan are easily accessible online.
  • We will then schedule a personal consultation via Zoom to discuss your scan results with you.
  • Following the consultation, you can order the recommended infoceuticals and have them shipped directly to your home.
  • These infoceuticals enhance the energy levels and information flow within your body field, facilitating proper communication and better health.
  • Infoceuticals contain ozonated spring water and trace amounts of minerals from sea salt. They are proprietary liquid remedies encoded with bio-information to correct imbalances of the human body field – the energetic blueprint of our physical body.

These remedies have transformed the lives of countless individuals worldwide, and their administration is as simple as adding a specified number of drops to your drinking water.

Take a proactive approach to your health and schedule a bioenergetics health scan today! It’s time to empower yourself in your healing journey and optimize your overall health!

Bioenergetic Health Scan: Book now