Conscious Creator Part 2 – Standing in Your Own Light


During this course, we will go on an inner journey, stepping into the world of commune with the Source within you.

Our physical world is an effect of our consciousness. When the mind is used by conditioned thought, we entertain worry and drama. Like attracts like, so this results in us attracting unwanted events into our lives.

What if you could discover how to end the game of drifting back into lack and powerlessness?

What if you had the tools to fill any holes in your consciousness with the light of truth and access the real power within you?

As you understand yourself more deeply you build your light body! This light can never be taken away – not even upon death of the physical body – it is yours eternally! It’s time to raise your consciousness and learn how to align with the grace of your inner Source.


‘Katie, this has changed my life. I am so much more centred and at peace than I have ever been before. I will carry this gift that is love within me for the rest of my life, wherever I am and with whoever I am with. Thank you for showing me how to be my best self. Much love and gratitude.’ RO (Qld)

‘Doing this course was the biggest gift I have ever given myself. I have come away with a sense of peace that I have never experienced before. I now understand myself deeply and in doing so I understand others. I have gained tools that I can use and feel like I have healed what has been holding me back my whole life.’ DS (Victoria)

“Last year I really questioned where I was with my life. Things needed to change, and the change had to start with me. I was worn out! This course changed the way I think about most things and it’s the best thing I did for myself and my family. Do yourself a favour and do it!” WW Qld